Wednesday, February 27, 2013

200th Post!

Are we not His body,
Are we not His hands,
That were pierced,
His hand, to do His work?

Are we not His body,
That which was broken,
Poured out, the blood,
Given unto all men, for all men?

Are not we His feet,
That traveled miles to save a soul,
To which stricken sinners clung in depair,
Upon which their tears did flow.

Are we not His back,

That bore the blows
 that cleansed that world,

The stripes that set men free. 

Are we not His eyes,
That poured forth tears,
From His heart that broke with longing,
Shook with grief. 

Are we not His body,
To be who He is,
To do His work,
For those He loved - the world. 

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