Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Sharp Hit

A verse hit me sharply today. It is one of those texts of Bonhoeffer's, that he could meditate on for hours, seeking to grasp fully its meaning and implications.

"Therefore for him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." (James 4:17)

I had memorized the book of James. Repeated it, over and over, but until today I had not really read that verse.

Today,after reading the headlines, going about my usual business, setting the corned beef to slow-cook, and sitting down to go through and review the book of James, mumbling and scanning through it, feeling guilty about not reading my Bible enough, suddenly, the verse hit me.

I repeated it again. I was stunned. Is that what it really means? Is that what it is saying?

This is one of those verses that  make you put down your Bible and reexamine your entire life. 

"Therefore for him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." (James 4:17)

What excuse do I have?  That's it for me. I have to repeat this, over and over again. I have to put it into practice.

"Therefore for him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." (James 4:17)

  1. Know - connotes perception, seeing, to look, to notice, to discern, to know, to be skilled in,
  2. Good - that which is beautiful, handsome, excellent, choice, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable, genuine, praiseworthy, noble, morally good, honourable, 
  3. Do - to make, produce, construct, form, fashion, author, cause, produce, bear, shoot forth, acquire, provide, render, constitute, declare, act rightly, do well, to carry out, to execute, to make ready, to perform
  4. Sin - to be without a share in, to miss the mark, to err, to be mistaken, to miss or wander from the path of  uprightness and honor, to do or go wrong, to wander from the Law of God, violate God's law, to commit an offence, a violation of the divine law in thought or in act
If I see anything that needs to be done, I have to do it!
If I, know, see, perceive and have discerned, and have the skill in, and notice, a need, which is useful, suitable, praiseworthy, and honorable, if I do not act rightly to make ready, carry out, perform, and execute it, I have missed the mark. I have wandered from God's Law.

This Law of God honestly should change my life completely.

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