Friday, April 13, 2012

is this okay?

Cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, watching movies, etc.? What about thing that are not blatantly immoral? It is okay to eat an entire bag of chips?

Christ says, "Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me". Any indulgence of the flesh is wrong in that sense. Since disciples are called to keep their focus on Christ, glorify God in that they do, present themselves at living sacrifices to do His Will.... you should ask, "Is it the precise will of God to do this... and is it do His glory?" We seek to glorify God by life or by death, in every thing we do and in the way we live.  

It is a SIN to the be selfish and self-indulgent. it is the attitude that counts, and some things are just not done to profit or bless others, but simply to indulge self. Those activities can be discarded.

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