Monday, December 19, 2011

Not in but out…

It’s interesting the influence New Age has had on modern society. Why, look at how vegetarianism has spread! I have to say, nothing in Scripture supports vegetarianism as it is today. Vegetarianism belongs to a Hindu/Buddhist/New Age worldview and not to a Biblical worldview.

Look at Hitler. He was a vegetarian, but of course vegetarians try to deny that. I think he probably was, and, in fact, was very, very kind and humane to animals. The Nazi Government was exemplary in its treatment of animals.

Compare Hitler with Yeshua/Jesus. Jesus ate fish, cooked fish too. Jesus ate the Passover lamb, and also drank wine.

Vegetarianism advocates being “pure” and “clean” in diet. Meat = immoral, cruel, killing animals.
Because of the fall, our bodies simply need meat. God gave us meat to eat. And He commanded the children of Israel to eat the Pesach lamb, among the many bloody and gory sacrifices to be performed.
Lets look at the Nazi example again. Look at how they treated humans by dehumanizing them. They were atrocious. Then let’s take a look at modern society. Wow… look how cool and popular being vegan is. Look at how abortion is so widespread. People don’t even flinch at it. In fact, they rally and fight and scream their approval of it, and react violently when it is revealed for what it is, murder. They refuse to see the truth. Look at how fetuses are used in making medicines! Atrocious!

The Nazis made babies into lampshades. Modern society makes aborted babies into medicine… Modern society fights and crusades for animal rights, yet treat unborn babies as trash. Somewhere, somehow, our priorities have all gone wrong, totally wrong.  

Romans 14 says that the weak eat only vegetables.                  

The nutrient –rich, dairy-rich, meat-rich, whole-grain rich, beautiful diet of Ancient Israelites was fantastic, and I believe, the way to go. Natural, raw milk is soooo good. When God created the heavens and the earth, He said it was good. I don’t dare say otherwise… I don’t think it’s right to replace God-given vitamins with man-made tablets.

Concerning healing, I believe in the costliness of Yeshua’s healing power. It cost Him to heal us. It cost Him pain. What cost God cannot be cheap for me. I cannot take healing like “cheap grace”. “ I believe I must sow not to the flesh, to live irresponsibly, but by the Spirit, to live by the wisdom of God, with the whole big perspective of eternity. No matter what I do and what I eat, I cannot heal myself. No matter what I do and what I try, I cannot deliver myself from sin. Yeshua alone is my salvation, wisdom, righteousness, healing. But He calls us to the set-apart life of discipleship. My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. I should eat wisely, and responsibly.

Men like to believe that sickness is just a thing. Yet Scripture teaches us that bitterness, unforgiveness, disobedience, and sin cause sicknesses. Look at how stress causes sickness! Yeshua told us not to worry about our life. But of people would get angry at if you  even suggest that. The devil wants to deceive people and hold in them in bondage to sin *shrug*. What’s new?

The devil’s system, the world’s system, destroys our bodies, because the Adversary hates us. He hates us and wants only to steal, kill, and destroy. He feeds our temporary pleasures but is so cynical. Like Hitler was so cynical. He seemed to be pro-Germany, pro-church, a good man who wanted to better the nation after its Versailles humiliation. The temporal victory of Germany was nothing. He came to steal, kill, and destroy Germany. He reduced it to ruins and poverty and destruction. That’s the same way the devil works, seemingly for us, but deeply cynical and evil, nothing good at all, having only evil and destruction intended for us. Do not be deceived!

The Adversary’s system is described Mark 5. The painfully ill woman was abused by physicians. They extorted her money, and left her just as sick as before. That’s man’s way. The world’s way takes your money, your joy, your life, your hope, etc. The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. The medical system with its roots in demonic serpent-worship and exaltation of mammon cannot heal us. It will take our money, make us suffer, and leave us worse than before.

Yeshua is our merciful salvation, our healer, our deliverance. He alone can set us free from all curses.
Back to vegetarianism. It’s not of God. Hitler was a vegetarian, Jesus was not. However, remember most importantly that what a person eats is not the most important thing. Jesus said that what comes out of a man what defiles him. So, after, judging a man by his diet is not the fairest comparison. Look at the words, what came out of Hitler’s mouth! The hate, the evil, the blasphemy, the lies, the propaganda, the pure demonic stream of rubbish!

Look what Jesus is: life, truth, freedom. He came to set us free. He came to deliver us. Instead for being a man for himself, He was a man for others. Hitler only cared about his own idealogy, his own plans, and used the German people to that end. He was a totally self-orientated, self-autonomous man, who took his own . Jesus laid down His life. The cross was a supreme act of love and mercy.
Hitler was a prototype of the AntiChrist/Anti-Messiah/Pseudo-Messiah. Men in the flesh looked to him to solve their problems.

Look only to Yeshua, who said,

Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.   

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I could not have imagined, 2 years ago when I started this blog, that discipleship would become such an increasingly important and central issue in my life.

Discipleship first meant to me learning. Learning, studying, discussing, cross-referencing, searching out the original Greek and Hebrew, writing, memorizing, etc.

My favorite book that I absolutely love next to the Bible, is the Cost of Discipleship. 4 years or so ago, I picked up the Cost of Discipleship and immediately the words hit me, and I thought, "it's so beautiful'. It was poetic, it was clear, I could understand it immediately, though at that time I knew nothing experiential about discipleship. The first chapter, with its exposition on cheap grace was so vivid, so illustrative. I never knew words could be put together in such a way.

So when I started this blog I picked up a quote, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die."

Inseparable is Discipleship and Obedience, obedience unto death. Discipleship means obedience, obedience that costs, and I have come to learn that the only kind of obedience God calls us to is the kind that costs. Discipleship is antithetical to enjoyment and convenience.

Art Katz's writings showed me clearly that the convenient, easy, natural kind of Christian faith is nothing but dead religion. Discipleship, consisting of trust and obedience, was the kind of thing Abraham had with God.

Leave all. Follow me.

Wow. God hasn't changed at all.

Intrinsic to our walk with God as disciples must be humility. Constant humility. There's not a day we don't sin. There's not a day we put ourselves first. There's not a day where there's something I should not have said or done. Ugh... this life is hopeless. Nevertheless, my life must be hidden with Christ in God. My perfection is not something deep within that I have to search out. It's something that is found in Christ, in the Spirit, where all things of the flesh cease, where there is no condemnation.

Like i always say, "In the Spirit I am perfect. In the soul I am being perfected. In the body I will be perfected, and all by Christ and the cross". In the Spirit I am dead to all flesh. In the Soul I am dying, daily. In the body, well, physical death will come.

Ever present before me in my walk with God is the desire for that, for apostolicity. What a word. To bear on my life that apostolic bearing. That's what I must want. Through Him alone I can receive grace and apostleship to the obedience of faith to all nations. In other words, Christ has empowered me with the holy Spirit and put His sending upon me to make disciples of all nations.

That longing for authenticity, for perfection, for the cross. I want that apostolic faith, that faith which alone can save, that faithfulness unto death. I want to be a vessel of His making, from His pattern, according to God's will and not according to my own.

before doing something, before succumbing to that fleshly itch to do, I must always ask myself, is that apostolic? Is that purely of God? Is that something that sprang from my poetic, vissionary, idealistic, carnal, and sinful, soul, ie. mind will and emotions. Did this birth out of the Spirit or spring into my mind? Is this going to be something that counts for eternity.

I often fall into loving and living for the "well and good ". But it's a totally different thing to be running, living, looking for, and that is which of God, of eternity, of truth, of Christ 100% and of me 0%.

Discipleship means simple-minded obedience. Where's the rationalization, the comtemplation, the mental preparation..? Just obey? The Spirit of God moves within you and gives that bitter, horrid cup. The Spirit, power of God, drives to you obey. Fear of God overcomes you. It's the last thing you want to do, but you must. And it's now or never - not tomorrow, not anytime, not never. It's now. My mind conjures of pictures of hell fire and screamings of the disobedient. Shivering in fear, I obey, but only because I must and not because I want to.

Obedience is the opposite of self-autonomy. I want to be in control of my life. I want to make my own decisions. I want to think for myself. I will decide whether I will do it, when I will do it, and how I will do it. You can only give suggestions.
That's the individualistic, self-autonomic mindset. That's the opposite of unity, of love.

I told God many times: "No. Never. That's no and that's it." Thank God He didn't listen to me, that God He is stronger than me and makes me do His will, because He is merciful and kind and good and loving and won't let me remain as I am, because if I remain as I am, I will suffer His wrath. "Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts."

That's all for now.

Shalom, Beka.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Formalism by George Muller

(Taken from George Muller of Bristol - the Free Ebook here)

I have often remarked the injurious effects of doing things because others did them, or because it was the custom, or because they were persuaded into acts of outward self-denial, or giving up things whilst the heart did not go alone with it, and whilst the outward act WAS NOT the result of the inward powerful working of the Holy Ghost, and the happy entering into our fellowship with the Father and the Son.
Everything that is a mere form, a mere habit and custom in divine things, is to be dreaded exceedingly: life, power, reality, this is what we have to aim after. Things should not result from without, but from within. The sort of clothes I wear, the kind of house I live in, the quality of the furniture I use, all such like things should not result from other persons doing so and so, or because it is customary among those brethren with whom I associate to live in such and such a simple, inexpensive, self denying way; but whatever be done in these things, in the way of giving up, or self-denial, or deadness to the world, should result from the joy we have in God, from the knowledge of our being the children of God, from the entering into the preciousness of our future inheritance, etc. Far better that for the time being we stand still, and do not take the steps which we see others take, that that it is merely the force of example that leads us to do a thing, and afterward it is regretted. Not that I mean in the least by this to imply we should continue to live in luxury, self-indulgence, and the like, whilst others are in great need; but we should begin the thing in a right way, i.e., aim after the right state of the heart; begin inwardly rather than outwardly. If otherwise, if will not last. We shall look back, or even get into a worse state than we were before. But oh, how different if joy in God leads us to any little act of self-denial! How gladly do we do it then! How much does the heart then long to be able to do more for Him who has done so much for us! We are far then from looking down in proud self-complacency upon those who do not go as far as we do, but rather pray to the Lord that He would be please to help our dear brethren and sisters forward who may seem to us weak in any particular point; and we also are conscious to ourselves that if we have a little more light or strength with reference to one point, other brethren may have more light or grace in other respects.