Friday, May 7, 2010

The Discipline of Giving God your first in the morning Part 1

I feel like a hypocrite writing this. Today I got distracted when I got up, and started to knit a little, then eat a little, then go and check my email, and check the forum, and check the blog… argh… It is such a discipline to give God my first in the morning. It is a real struggle, especially when I turn the computer. Its not like I waste time on games but I wish I had more self-control to finish reading my Bible first. However sometimes I wake up feeling more like a Christian, and sometimes I wake up wanting to finish off that storybook I was reading last night. So you see, I’m not perfect at all. I’m no perfect Christian who wakes up in a perfect Christian mood full of love and joy and peace, bursting with smiles, ready to be useful and helpful to everyone, loving to spend time with God in the morning.

Of course I have gotten to the stage where I enjoy Bible reading (finally! After SOooooo many years!), but then it gives me a different enjoyment, than say, making chocolate roses or posting on my baking blog. Do you know why?

When you read the Bible, it is not for your physical mind or flesh to enjoy. That will only bring you so far. You would probably be stuck in Genesis – Esther reading story after story. You will soon get bored of stories. I got bored of stories. I tried to make the stories more interesting That lasted awhile, but didn’t work.

 Your soul (mind, will, and emotions) will bring you a little further (or more like buy you some time so you don’t fall asleep). Maybe if you are angry or thoughtful etc. you may find what the bible says comforting and reassuring.  Like when you are in trouble in read Ps 91, or you lost money and read Ps 23. It feeds your emotions, your soul. That will, again, only get you so far. That is  not how God wants you to read a bible, with a pair of scissors in your hand and jumping at every promise of God, every blessing of God, everything about the goodness of God – no! No way… that will make you into a emotional unstable and really “sissy” Christian (correct me if I am wrong!) There are times when God’s word is a comfort and God gives you blessing but that is only a small part of what a relationship with God really, really is. Even human relationships based on soulish love will never last!

You see
1)     1)  God’s Word is meant to speak to our spirit though the Holy Spirit. To build us up in the spirit to produce fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5). Not the fruit of the mind, or fruit of the emotions, or fruit of the will, but fruit of the Holy Spirit. Oh that every Christian may understand what it truly means to be alive in Christ (more on than another time). Romans 8:  1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,[a] who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
2)     2)  God’s Word speaks to our renewed mind (Romans 12:2 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.)
3)    3)   God’s word must not stay in our brain. Otherwise we would be big-headed clever, smart, and intellectually brilliant “Christians”, who know a lot, talk a lot, say a lot, but don’t live any of it.
 It It must go down to the inner depths of our heart like drain cleaner right to the bottom of a filthy, slimy, drain. It must convict, cleanse, remove, and totally renew our heart and mind and soul and will until we are in complete harmony with God. God will change you. He will bring life to you. But you have to follow His leading and remove whatever it is from your  life that displeases Him. You have to learn to die to yourself, to surrender your life totally to God. You have to stop loving this world and its pleasure. It is painful, it is difficult, but then, we have the hope of eternal glory and that is our ONLY HOPE. (More than these things another time)
4)     4)  I’m running out of time so the rest of the list can come later. God’s word builds into our spirit man, makes his strong, puts iron in our soul and toughens us in His way. He lowers and humbles us. … more another time.
I have been greatly blessed by the conference, books, and teaching of the Bright Light ministry. They came to Malaysia three times and each time I was blessed and convicted to give even more of myself to God. The last time, Miss Grace Mally wrote a beautiful song about God’s word. You can see how precious God’s Word is to her.

God’s Word abides forever,
It is our greatest treasure,
It’s true, complete, and tried,
Just like silver purified.

Though the night it gives us light
Give us courage for the fight,
It is sharper than a sword,
For its author is the Lord.

For anyone of you who are following this blog (whoever and wherever you are), I would love to hear from you in the comment section. I’d especially like to hear more of your insights on the first three chapters of the book of Corinthians along the lines of this post. Or please share with me how God is working in your life through His word. I am learning SO MUCH and have learned so much from listening to other men and women our mighty God. I’ve also learned a lot from good Christian books. I love to read testimonies – not just the “God-is-so-good-to-me-I-have-a-job-a-family-a-big-house-and-two-cars” but real ones of the way God’s sharp sword has pierced into your life J.

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